
Serene Double Exposure Photography by Oliver Morris

Oliver Morris masterfully blends photos of women with beautiful shots of nature to create some great double exposures. His subjects look like they are completely in touch with nature. It almost makes me want to go outside, haha.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

Flight by Bill Jemison

From Bill Jemison, "This was a "hidden gem" taken at the same time as my ribbon winner from the "Celebration" challenge. It was only after quite a bit of effort that the underlying beauty of the image appeared. This was a misty morning during the 2005 Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta and I took the shot from a hill in Rio Rancho, NM where I live as the balloons drifted northward along the Rio Grande River in the bosque (river forest). "

Average: 4.3 (6 votes)

Night Photography II by Justin Carrasquillo

These night photography shots by Justin Carrasquillo are absolutely amazing. Each one captures the  wonder and beauty of nature. I especially love the colors in the sky and the abundance of stars illuminating the night.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

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