double exposure

Wonderous Portraits by Miki Takahashi

Miki Takahashi's portraits are a thing of beauty! The way she merges them with smoke, cities and elements from nature creates compelling and thought provoking shots. Her subjects look off into the distance and appear to be deep in contemplation, making you wonder what is going on in their heads.

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Double Vision (Double Exposure Series) by Lisa Bamford

Awesome double exposure series by Lisa Bamford. Her use of double exposure makes recognizable buildings and monuments much more interesting. The best part is, the shots are all done in camera. 

"I enjoy taking photographs because of the enormous creative scope it provides. I am generally attracted to simplicity in either subject or composition, which is down to my background and job as a graphic designer. I see the structure of photographs in the same way as I do a layout, and I like them to be easy to read. I'm also a bit of a magpie and so take inspiration from all sorts of styles of photography, and so will shoot different subjects in different ways. I'd get bored to tears if I had to design the same thing everyday and that translates to what I point my camera at.


I generally choose my travel destinations based on places I think will be photogenic as that's what I enjoy doing most while I'm away. I find making double exposures an effective way of producing interesting images of buildings or monuments that have been endlessly photographed. It also appeals to me as the images often look quite graphic and hopefully not like the usual tourist snap."

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Serene Double Exposure Photography by Oliver Morris

Oliver Morris masterfully blends photos of women with beautiful shots of nature to create some great double exposures. His subjects look like they are completely in touch with nature. It almost makes me want to go outside, haha.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

Double Exposures by Andre de Freitas

Here's a great set of double expsoures by Andre de Freitas. I find double exposures extremely fascinating. It gives a glimpse into two completely separate but intertwined worlds. Whenever I see them, I try to imagine what went through the photographer's mind when combining these images. I am especially curious about the first image in the set. It feels like there is a beautiful tale waiting to be told by this image.

Average: 4.8 (5 votes)

Double Exposure by Dan Mountford

Loving the double exposure photography work by Dan Mountford. The way the two exposures are combined make for some really interesting shots. The compositions are creative and interesting, If you get a chance, head over to his Flickr set and read the descriptions for these shots.

Double Exposure by Dan Mountford

Double Exposure by Dan Mountford

Double Exposure by Dan Mountford

Double Exposure by Dan Mountford

Double Exposure by Dan Mountford

Double Exposure by Dan Mountford

Double Exposure by Dan Mountford

Double Exposure by Dan Mountford

Average: 5 (4 votes)

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