
World’s Best Father by Dave Engledow

I am absolutely loving this humorous series by father and photographer Dave Engledow. With the help of his wife and adorable daughter Alice Bee, Dave portrays a clueless, sleep-deprived and unsafe father. Each photo features a "World's Best Father" mug, which adds another great element to the project. If you like this series, you can help back the upcoming World's Best Father 2013 Calendar on Kickstarter.

Average: 5 (1 vote)

People in Motion by Manuel Cafini

Manuel Cafini has capturesd some captivating portraits of people in motion. Cafini's subjects are dressed in bright colors and staged in front of a dark background creating strong and rich contrast. This, coupled with the movement of his subjects, creates interesting shapes and beautiful lines in his photos.

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Felix Baumgartner Will Attempt Sky Dive Record for Red Bull Stratos

Austrian skydiver Felix Baumgartner, with the help of Red Bull Stratos,  will soon try and break the world record for highest sky dive. He will attempt a 23 mile free fall from a pressurized capsule while wearing only a spacuit. In doing so, he will become the first person to break the sound barrier in free fall and will risk having the water in his body vaporize! No one knows what will happen, but people are sure to find out.

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Alina and Sebi's Wedding by Ostafi Photography

You can often tell how much a bride and groom love each other by their wedding photos. This is especially true of Alina and Sebi. Ostafi Photography shot this beautiful wedding series at a castle near Vienna and captured many wonderful moments of the couple. Some shots are fun, and some shots are serious, but they all draw you in and make you feel like you were a part of the wedding. If you like these shots, I definitely recommend checking out the rest.

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On the Set of Mad Men by James Minchin III

James Minchin III gives us a fantastic behind the scenes look of the Emmy-award winning Mad Men. He explores everything from sets, to props, to on and off the camera shots of characters. It truly shows what a great job the the crew has done to bring the 1950's-60's back to life.

Average: 5 (1 vote)

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