
Behind the Scenes of Star Wars: The Empire Strikes

Stars Wars: The Empire Strikes Back is often considered one of the greatest movies ever made. This series of photos gives us an intimate look at what it was like on the set of the movie. The movie was not only great, but it looks like the cast had a great time making it.

Average: 5 (1 vote)

On the Set of Mad Men by James Minchin III

James Minchin III gives us a fantastic behind the scenes look of the Emmy-award winning Mad Men. He explores everything from sets, to props, to on and off the camera shots of characters. It truly shows what a great job the the crew has done to bring the 1950's-60's back to life.

Average: 5 (1 vote)

Dark Lens by Cédric Delsaux

Cédric Delsaux was taking photos in the desolate areas of modern cities like Paris and Dubai, but found there was something missing. So he placed Star Wars characters into his photos and created this amazing set of photos entitled Dark Lens. If you like this series, you can buy the book on Amazon.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

1503 by Christian Tagliavini

There's something strangely fascinating about these Renaissance costume photographs by Christian Tagliavini. They are odd, intriguing and beautiful all at the same time. I think the abnormally long necks and interesting hats both make the costumes seem odd, but also help draw your attention. If you like these, I also recommend checking out his Dame di Cartone series.

Average: 4.7 (3 votes)

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