
Rainy Cities by Cristophe Jacrot

Cristophe Jacrot is a master of "bad weather" photography.

"In my opinion, there are two ways of capturing the world for a photographer; on the one hand grasping its horror, and on the other sublimating it. I have chosen the second. More specifically, I like the way rain, snow and “bad weather” awaken a feeling of romantic fiction within me, mainly in the big cities. (climatic excesses are another topic). 

I see these elements as a fabulous ground for photography, an under-used visual universe with a strong evocative power, and with a richness of subtle lights. This universe escapes most of us, since we are too occupied getting undercover. Man becomes a ghostly silhouette wandering and obeying the hazards of rain or of snow, into the eternity of the climate ...

My approach is deliberately pictorial and emotional."

Here are some of his wonderful shots from Paris, Hong Kong, and Tokyo.

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The Beautiful Shapes of Paris by Philipp Klinger

Philipp Klinger has an eye for beautiful lines, shapes and patterns. In this series, he captures one of the most iconic cities in the world: Paris, France, and does it great justice. Instead of taking conventional shots of the city, Philipp goes out and captures the things you might never notice.

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Dark Lens by Cédric Delsaux

Cédric Delsaux was taking photos in the desolate areas of modern cities like Paris and Dubai, but found there was something missing. So he placed Star Wars characters into his photos and created this amazing set of photos entitled Dark Lens. If you like this series, you can buy the book on Amazon.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

Vintage Post Cards of Paris

A wonderful set of vintage postcards of Paris.There's something different about vintage postcards that make them feel more authentic than modern day postcards.

Vintage Post Cards of Paris

Vintage Post Cards of Paris

Average: 4 (1 vote)

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