
Agemaps by Bobby Neel Adams

In this thoughtful series, Bobby Neel Adams shows the physical affects that aging has on people. Adams contrasts photos of each person from two very different stages in life. I love the way you can see the similarities between the two photos and the seemless way they are spliced together.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

The Unreal Worlds of Philippe Ramette

You might think these photos are Photoshopped, but they aren't. They are the master work of Philippe Ramette. He envisions and creates these surreal worlds using different rigs. Photos are taken by Marc Domage. Check out a ton more on Acid Cow.

Average: 4 (4 votes)

Nuit Blanche by

If you haven't seen Nuit Blanche before, you are in for a treat. This amazing short story explores a fleeting moment between two strangers. I highly suggest watching both the film and making of, to truly see what went into making this film.

Average: 4.5 (2 votes)

Ultra Stylized Photos by Zorik Istomin

Zorik Istomin has such incredibly stylized photos, you would think they were illustrations. Once you learn that these are photos, you are almost forced to stare at each one, trying to figure out how he creates such unique stylized photos. His unique style, interesting compositions, and great use of colors make for some awesome photos.

Average: 4 (2 votes)

1503 by Christian Tagliavini

There's something strangely fascinating about these Renaissance costume photographs by Christian Tagliavini. They are odd, intriguing and beautiful all at the same time. I think the abnormally long necks and interesting hats both make the costumes seem odd, but also help draw your attention. If you like these, I also recommend checking out his Dame di Cartone series.

Average: 4.7 (3 votes)

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