
Unbelievable Self Portraits by 14 year old fiddle oak

Fiddle oak took these amazing self-portraits as a 14 year old. His series Little Folk has become an internet sensation, and it is easy to see why. He creates these images with the help of his 17 year old sister Nelly and his Camera Betsy. If you visit his blog you can see behind the scenes shots of some of his photos.

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The Unreal Worlds of Philippe Ramette

You might think these photos are Photoshopped, but they aren't. They are the master work of Philippe Ramette. He envisions and creates these surreal worlds using different rigs. Photos are taken by Marc Domage. Check out a ton more on Acid Cow.

Average: 4 (4 votes)

Surreal Fantasies by Rebeca Cygnus

Rebeca Cygnus is a beautiful and talented photographer from Spain. She is taking part in the 365 day project and has come out with some amazing self portraits. 

"Since i was a child i always dreamed of having my own wonderland to such an extreme I’d go searching for it. That's why my work is like a mixture between surrealism and fantasy."

Check out the rest of her great work on Flickr. If you like these, you should also check out Terra Kate's work.

Average: 4 (2 votes)

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