
Supermoon 2012 on The Big Picture

If you looked up into the night sky on Sat. May 5th, you may have noticed the perigee moon aka "Supermoon". The once a year event occurs when the moon is closest to Earth, and is magnified when there is a full moon. If you didn't catch it, The Big Picture has you covered with this awesome set. Visit the article for more details on each photo.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

(270) Seconds of Summer by Samuel Ebat

Love this video by Samuel Ebat shot over the course of Summer 2011.

Song is "Stay Close" by Delorean (RAC Remix).

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Eat, Learn, Move by Rick Mereki

If you haven't seen these videos by Rick Mereki, you are in for a treat. These three videos were commissioned by STA Travel Australia, and are a great way to promote travel. They really make me want to jump on a plane and go somwhere.

"3 guys, 44 days, 11 countries, 18 flights, 38 thousand miles, an exploding volcano, 2 cameras and almost a terabyte of footage... all to turn 3 ambitious linear concepts based on movement, learning and food ....into 3 beautiful and hopefully compelling short films.....

= a trip of a lifetime.

move, eat, learn"

Check out vimeo to learn some more about this wonderful series.


Average: 3 (2 votes)

Double Exposure by Dan Mountford

Loving the double exposure photography work by Dan Mountford. The way the two exposures are combined make for some really interesting shots. The compositions are creative and interesting, If you get a chance, head over to his Flickr set and read the descriptions for these shots.

Double Exposure by Dan Mountford

Double Exposure by Dan Mountford

Double Exposure by Dan Mountford

Double Exposure by Dan Mountford

Double Exposure by Dan Mountford

Double Exposure by Dan Mountford

Double Exposure by Dan Mountford

Double Exposure by Dan Mountford

Average: 5 (4 votes)

Camera Obscura by Abelardo Morell

These are some great photos taken by Abelardo Morell using the camera obscura technique. Here's  a good description taken from PDN's Photo of the Day:

"Abelardo Morell’s camera obscura technique has taken him from photographing his own living room to interiors across the globe. “One of the satisfactions I get from making this imagery comes from my seeing the weird and yet natural marriage of the inside and outside”,  he says. In setting up a room to make this kind of photograph he covers all windows with plastic in order to achieve total darkness. Then he cuts one small hole in the materials that he uses to cover the windows. An inverted image of the view outside then floods onto the walls in the room. He focuses the large-format camera on the incoming image on the wall and exposes the film.

Morell recently designed a light proof tent that, via periscope type optics, makes it possible to project a view of the nearby landscape onto whatever ground is under the tent. Inside this darkened space he uses a view camera to record the effect. He says, “I think it is a rather wonderful sandwich of two outdoor realities coming together. This Tent-Camera now liberates me to use camera obscura techniques in a world of new places. I now have a portable room, so to speak.”"

I especially like the ones where the image is projected onto textured surfaces. They just give the images a unique and interesting look.

Camera Obscura by Abelardo Morell

Camera Obscura by Abelardo Morell

Camera Obscura by Abelardo Morell

Camera Obscura by Abelardo Morell

Camera Obscura by Abelardo Morell

Camera Obscura by Abelardo Morell

Camera Obscura by Abelardo Morell

Average: 2.5 (2 votes)

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