Thomas Birke

Incredible Urban Photography by Thomas Birke

Thomas Birke's urban photography really makes cities come to life. His photos give a preview of what life might be like in the future. To portray this, he takes photos of densly populated areas and tries to show at least 1,000 people and their traces in each picture. By capturing illuminated windows and light streaks of vehicles, you can see the footprint of urban environments. I highly recommend viewing his photos in full resolution to truly get a sense of what he is capturing.

Urban Photography by Thomas Birke

Urban Photography by Thomas Birke

Urban Photography by Thomas Birke

Urban Photography by Thomas Birke

Urban Photography by Thomas Birke

Urban Photography by Thomas Birke

Urban Photography by Thomas Birke

Urban Photography by Thomas Birke

Urban Photography by Thomas Birke

Average: 4.7 (6 votes)

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