
Double Exposure by Dan Mountford

Loving the double exposure photography work by Dan Mountford. The way the two exposures are combined make for some really interesting shots. The compositions are creative and interesting, If you get a chance, head over to his Flickr set and read the descriptions for these shots.

Double Exposure by Dan Mountford

Double Exposure by Dan Mountford

Double Exposure by Dan Mountford

Double Exposure by Dan Mountford

Double Exposure by Dan Mountford

Double Exposure by Dan Mountford

Double Exposure by Dan Mountford

Double Exposure by Dan Mountford

Average: 5 (4 votes)

Future City Collage by sparktography

This is a pretty cool photo collage turned into one image by sparktography on Flickr. To create this image, he blended parts of seven different photos from his overpass series. Here is how he explains the image creation:

"The result of a few hours in Photoshop tonight playing with a number of different shots I took from my overpass series. I focused on trying to blend and remix them into something entirely new. At this point it's much more of a creation than a photograph.

Some shots taken with a 28-135mm IS lens, and some taken with a Lensbaby 3G. This is actually the result of 7 separate photos with multiple parts per photo taken and remixed together in new ways. I'm coming to love grungy brushes for work like this - so much control and being able to keep various layers of grunge for an image and tweak and blend it into the final image is very rewarding.

I find it really interesting that a photo shoot spanning a week and involving 4 separate treks to the overpass could culminate in a single image like this."

Average: 4 (1 vote)

Self Portrait Photography by Lauren Peralta

Lauren Peralta has a wonderful set of self portraits throughout her Flickr account. She just has a way of beautifully capturing herself on camera. I highly recommend viewing her most viewed and most interesting photographs or just wandering through her photo stream. Below are just some of the photos she tagged as self portraits.

Average: 4 (3 votes)

High Speed by Naiara Dambroso

This photo by Naiara Dambroso or autom4tica on Flickr is an example of perfectly capturing someone in the moment. It's one of those photos that seems to capture the essence of a person.

Average: 4 (3 votes)

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