
Asian Beauty Jiang Hailun

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I may have found the most beautiful Asian woman on the planet. All I know is her name is Jiang Hailun and she takes amazing photos. Enjoy!

Average: 3 (2 votes)

Creative Portraits of a Daughter by Nagano Toyokazu

Nagano Toyokazu is the photographer behind these wonderfully creative photos of his daughter. First he comes up with a creative idea, then has his daughter act it out in front of the camera to create some adorable scenes. He is shooting this series to so his daughters have fond memories when they grow up. Not only that, but he loves sharing his photos with others. "I hope that the photos I take will continue to make people from around the world smile and make them happy."

If you like these don't forget to check out World’s Best Father by Dave Engledow and When My Baby Dreams Great Fan Art Competition.

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Angel Baby Wedding Photos

A beautiful Asian bride adorned in her wedding gown.

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Sexy Storytelling by Liu Jianan

Liu Jianan's photos tell masterful stories of beautiful women engaged in battle, exorcising demons and creating living human statues among others. Each one pulls you further into the story, and makes you wonder what the whole story really is. If anyone has further information on these fantastic shots, please share them in the comments!

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