
Breathtaking Silhouettes from Africa by Mario Moreno

Mario Moreno is an expert wildlife, landscape and travel photographer. He has spent the past 12 years exploring Africa and capturing some truly breathtaking scenes. He searches for the "Perfect Moment" when "everything comes together ... Light, Timing and Emotions that create a memorable and forever lasting scene !" He's definitely perfected capturing those perfect moments. These beautiful silhouettes are just the tip of the iceberg. check out his 500px account for some more great photos!

Average: 5 (1 vote)

Captivating Sunsets by Juan Todrigo Legua

Juan Todrigo Legua's sunset photos are so breathtaking, they seem almost unreal. The bright shades of orange, yellow and red, along with the beautiful reflections, really bring his photos to life. Looking at these makes me want to retire and just take photos of the sunrise/sunset.

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Awe Inspiring Silhouettes by Pink Sword

There are times when someone reminds you how beautiful the world can be. This is one of those times. Indonesian based photographer Pink Sword's jaw-dropping photos are simple yet elegant. Most of his silhouettes are snapshots of everyday events taking place in front of the setting sun, reminding us of the beautiful moments in life.

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City Photos by Andrey Pomyantovskiy


Here are some great city photos by Andrey Pomyantovskiy. These shots beautifully capture the cities and have a very serene and quiet quality to them. Click on the city names to see a larger version of the images.

City Photos by Andrey PomyantovskiySantorini


City Photos by Andrey PomyantovskiyOia

City Photos by Andrey PomyantovskiySt. Petersburg

City Photos by Andrey PomyantovskiySt. Petersburg

City Photos by Andrey PomyantovskiySt. Petersburg

City Photos by Andrey PomyantovskiyAthens

City Photos by Andrey PomyantovskiySt. Petersburg

Average: 4.5 (2 votes)

Heaven and Hell by Jason Poturica

This is one of those photos that makes you go "Wow". It's moments like this that you realize the beauty in life. It was shot by Jason Poturica in a weekend trip to Turtle Mountain.

Average: 5 (2 votes)

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