
Quaint European Town

The actual location of this photo remains contested, one thing that is for certain is, it looks amazing.

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The Magic and Wonder of Venice. Photos by pisanim1

When I hear Venice(Italy), these are the types of images that pop into my head. Flickr user pisanim1 perfectly captures the magic and wonder of one of the world's most beautiful cities. These photos really make me want to go there and get lost in the city.

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The Flat Streets of San Francisco by Dan Ng

Have you ever wondreed what San Francisco would look like with flat streets? Dan Ng's fabulous series does just that. People and building appear to be in a strange and disoriented state. It's a fun and whimsical portrayal of city that is known for it's steep but wonderful hills.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

Black and White Cities by Jean-Michel Berts

Some superb black and white photos by Jean-Michel Berts. He has an extremely good eye for composition and black and white photo oppurtunities. You can keep up to date with his new photos on Facebook.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

West Nineteenth Street (Yellow Dress) by Joseph O. Holmes

On a pevious post you'll remember Joseph Holmes capturing these taxis lined up along West Forty-third Street in New York. This time, Holmes found a lone woman in a yellow dress walking along West Nineteenth Street. The following quote is him describing his fortune in capturing this photo,"One day the woman in the yellow dress steps into my frame to humble me and remind me that all I can do is accept the gift when it's offered."

You can also find this photo in print form at 20x200.

Average: 5 (1 vote)

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