
West Forty-third Street (Yellow Cabs) by Joseph O. Holmes

This wonderful shot by Joseph Holmes is one of those rare occurrences that you just can't plan in photography, where everything lines up just right and you happen to be a witness.

This is how he explains it,"I look through the viewfinder one day and all the yellow taxis appear out of nowhere to line up in a tidy curve, and I shake my head and thank the muses and the gods of chaos and chance."

If you want to get this photo as a print, get them here, but hurry because they're going fast.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

A Moment Suspended In Time by Marcin Stawiarz

This is a wonderful black and white photo of a street in Lodz, Poland taken by Marcin Stawiarz. The contrast created by making this a black and white photo is what makes it so great.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

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