
Vitaly Raskalov Russian Skywalker

Some people get a thrill by riding on a roller coaster or driving a fast car. People like 19 year old Russian photographer Vitaly Raskalov get their thrill by skywalking, which consists of scaling tall structures without safety equipment and uploading pictures to social media sites. The only way to get such breathtaking photos is to climb the structures yourself, or look at them on the internet. I will gladly do the latter and let the thrill-seekers provide us with spectacular views. My palms are sweaty just from looking at them.

Average: 3 (1 vote)

Aerial and City Photography by Roof Topper

Some seriously cool aerial shots by 500px user Roof Topper. I especially like the perspective of the first photo. It takes some serious guts to sit on the edge of a tall building like that.

Average: 4.5 (2 votes)

The Sandpit Tilt Shift Movie by Sam O'Hare

This tilt shift photography film by Sam O'Hare is incredible. He takes one of the largest and busiest cities in the world, New York, and makes it feel small and quaint. The music is mixed well with the visuals, and he perfectly captures different areas of the city. Check out the video at the bottom of the page.


The Sandpit from Sam O'Hare on Vimeo.

Average: 1 (11 votes)

New York City from Above on the Denver Post

An aerial photo of Central ParkAerial night shot of New York City.An aerial photo of Yankee Stadium.An aerial photo of New York City.

This is a really great aerial photo series of New York by the Denver Post. The photos are by Daniel Acker. Stan Honda and Mario Tama.

Average: 5 (1 vote)

West Forty-third Street (Yellow Cabs) by Joseph O. Holmes

This wonderful shot by Joseph Holmes is one of those rare occurrences that you just can't plan in photography, where everything lines up just right and you happen to be a witness.

This is how he explains it,"I look through the viewfinder one day and all the yellow taxis appear out of nowhere to line up in a tidy curve, and I shake my head and thank the muses and the gods of chaos and chance."

If you want to get this photo as a print, get them here, but hurry because they're going fast.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

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