
Barcelona - Class Contrasts by Daniel Brokstad

This is a pretty neat series by Daniel Brokstad. On a trip to Barcelona, Daniel noticed the stark contrasts of the city. On one hand, Barclona is a touristy spot with nice buildings and locations, but there is also darker world behind the scenes of the city. This series splits each scene in half and exaggerates each side to show the stark contrasts.

Average: 3 (3 votes)

Futuristic City by Alisdair Miller

These shots by Alisdair Miller make Dubai look like a city of the future. Tall buildings, flashing lights and futuristic forms are the norm. Each one looks like it was plucked straight out of a sci-fi film. If you like these, you'll love his portfolio. It's a treasure trove of great architectural photography.

Average: 5 (1 vote)

Day to Night by Stephen Wilkes

I absolutely love these collages by Stephen Wilkes. Wilkes masterfully blends thirty to fifty photos of each location, going from day to night, into one fluid image. You can check them out in person at the Clamp Art Gallery in New York City from September 8th to October 29th.

Average: 4.7 (3 votes)

Bridges and Cities by Andrew Mace

Some beautiful shots of bridges and cities by New York City based photographer Andrew Mace. He sure has a way of making everything seem beautiful and interesting. Make sure to check out his website to see some cool information about his photos and things he's learned along the way.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

Double Exposures by Andre de Freitas

Here's a great set of double expsoures by Andre de Freitas. I find double exposures extremely fascinating. It gives a glimpse into two completely separate but intertwined worlds. Whenever I see them, I try to imagine what went through the photographer's mind when combining these images. I am especially curious about the first image in the set. It feels like there is a beautiful tale waiting to be told by this image.

Average: 4.8 (5 votes)

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