
Epic Landscape Photography by Jim Richardson

Jim Richardson is an editorial and documentary photographer who has been working for National Geographic for 25 years. His work documents cultures, environmental issues, and documentary projects. Here's a small sample of his work. Each one makes you feel like you are in a still frame from an epic tale.

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The Beautiful Shapes of Paris by Philipp Klinger

Philipp Klinger has an eye for beautiful lines, shapes and patterns. In this series, he captures one of the most iconic cities in the world: Paris, France, and does it great justice. Instead of taking conventional shots of the city, Philipp goes out and captures the things you might never notice.

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Cinemascapes by Brandt Campbell

Brandt Campbell's cinemascape photos look like they were pulled straight from a movie scene. Each one invokes a sense of narative which is open to the viewer's interpretation. 

Average: 4 (1 vote)

The Flat Streets of San Francisco by Dan Ng

Have you ever wondreed what San Francisco would look like with flat streets? Dan Ng's fabulous series does just that. People and building appear to be in a strange and disoriented state. It's a fun and whimsical portrayal of city that is known for it's steep but wonderful hills.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

Billions (Hong Kong Reflections) by Ward Roberts

In his series Billions, Ward Roberts captures the city of Hong Kong through amazing use of reflections. These reflections create a fantastic mixture of shapes, colors, and infinite dimensions. It feels like you are peering into a not so distant future.

Reminds me of Reconstructed Works by Pep Ventosa and Photograph Time! by Michael Wesely.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

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