
Underwater Beauties by Zena Holloway

Zena Holloway specializes in underwater photography. These photos are just a small sampling of her awe-inspiring work. I love the poses and the way the dresses flow underwater. Be sure to check out more of her work on her portfolio. If you like this you will also like Behind the Surface by Nadia Moro.

Average: 5 (1 vote)

Antigravity by Mina Sarenac

In this series, Mina Sarenac photographs women floating in mid-air. Their dresses give in to the force of gravity while they continue their effortless journeys. It feels like a combination of Sleep Elevations by Maia Flore and Levitation Photos by Natsumi Hayashi.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

Pretty Girls by Fran Dominguez

Fran Dominguez is an Edification Engineering student from Sevilla Spain.

"I just try to make girls I shoot with feel as special as I think they are."

Average: 4 (1 vote)

Agemaps by Bobby Neel Adams

In this thoughtful series, Bobby Neel Adams shows the physical affects that aging has on people. Adams contrasts photos of each person from two very different stages in life. I love the way you can see the similarities between the two photos and the seemless way they are spliced together.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

Magical Photography by Claire Oring

Not really sure what it is about her work, but I'm really diggin Claire Oring's photography. Her photography focuses on the concepts of magic, sisterhood, and nature with some great results. I especially like her Conjure series. Check out her portfolio to see more of her work. 

Average: 4 (1 vote)

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