
Sleep Elevations by Maia Flore

There's a magical quality to this series by Maia Flore. The women in these shots peacefully sleep while a different object keeps them floating in the sky. If these women were awake, they would probably be freaking out. Instead, they are in a peaceful state where dreams come to life.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

Mid-air pic pick by freddog

Although this photo may never be mistaken for a professional's, that doesn't mean it isn't great. It's one of those pictures that makes you nostalgic for your childhood and reminds you of the simple joys in life.

Here is freddog's explanation of the photo,"This was during a remodel of our room when we had the bed in the living room. Needless to say, the couch and bed closeness was cause for mid-air pictures."

This photo won Tumblr/Photojojo's Daily Pic Pick.

Average: 5 (1 vote)

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