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1 day = 1 adventure = 1 photo : it's my challenge !

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Natalie Portman

Natalie Portman. That is all.

Average: 4 (2 votes)

Girl in a Tank Top

No idea who this is or who shot this photo, but I dig it.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

Vintage Post Cards of Paris

A wonderful set of vintage postcards of Paris.There's something different about vintage postcards that make them feel more authentic than modern day postcards.

Vintage Post Cards of Paris

Vintage Post Cards of Paris

Average: 4 (1 vote)

Dock's Edge

The text that accompanied this image on Jeremy Fall's Tumblr:

I close my eyes and breathe as the world starts crumbling behind me. Every step I take brings me closer to the end, every thought I make kills my fix of ammunition and every time I think of looking back, it tears the gauze apart. What do I do if the world’s destruction becomes my own? Where do I go if the tripwire does detonate? I look straight, straight into my self-created Eden. A garden far away where I can only pray that the distance is temporary. I stop to think. It’s my turn. Is this all just a game or am I truly walking barefoot on a pile glass holding a ticking bomb that’s ready to ignite?

Average: 5 (1 vote)

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