
Colorful Fantasies by Patrick Monkel

Some sweet work by Dutch graphic designer Patrick Monkel. He makes great use of surreal elements and colorful effects to create some his fantasy worlds. Check out his Tumblr to see some of his design inspiration.

Average: 4 (4 votes)

Stunning and Surreal Digital Art by Albulena Panduri

Albulena Panduri (blue-a on Deviant Art) has created some absolutely stunning photo manipulations. Each one grabs you and draws you into a surreal and beautiful new world. I couldn't help but stare in awe at all of her fantasy worlds. I highly suggest checking out the rest of her gallery if you get a chance.

Average: 5 (1 vote)

Surreal Digital Art Illustrations by Michael Ostermann

I am a huge fan of Michael Ostermann's digital art illustrations. Each one sucks you into a surreal alternate world. Here is how he describes his process:

"Every project is different; in both needs and approach, he usually likes to start with a good photograph, a good idea that sets the mood of the overall image. He then applies his self-made resources and uses several photo-manipulation techniques, seeing where it leads."

Check out his Blog, Portfolio, and Twitter account to keep up with his amazing work.

Surreal Digital Art Illustrations by Michael Ostermann

Surreal Digital Art Illustrations by Michael Ostermann

Surreal Digital Art Illustrations by Michael Ostermann

Surreal Digital Art Illustrations by Michael Ostermann

Surreal Digital Art Illustrations by Michael Ostermann

Surreal Digital Art Illustrations by Michael Ostermann

Surreal Digital Art Illustrations by Michael Ostermann

Surreal Digital Art Illustrations by Michael Ostermann

Surreal Digital Art Illustrations by Michael Ostermann

Surreal Digital Art Illustrations by Michael Ostermann

Average: 5 (5 votes)

Digital Artwork by Luis Beltrán

A girl, on a swing, over an entire city.

Luis Beltrán is a digital artist from Spain that has a way with images. He masterfully combines photos and illustrations to create memorable, surreal and thought provoking works. Each one pulls you in and forces you to create a story for it. He truly has an eye for art and storytelling. Below each image, I will give you my interpretation of it.

This one makes you wonder what that could possibly be thinking.

This one makes you wonder what that could possibly be thinking.

Is this an abandoned railroad car or is it on a journey?

Is this an abandoned railroad car or is it on a journey?

There's a storm brewing up.

There's a storm brewing up.

A path to a wonderous carnival, or an eerie circus tent.

A path to a wonderous carnival, or an eerie circus tent.

May the darkness lead to light.

May the darkness lead to light.

Elepnants are fantastic pets.

Elephants are fantastic pets.

The beginning of an epic journey, or the end of the road?

The beginning of an epic journey, or the end of the road?

Average: 5 (2 votes)

Bulgarian Designer Lyubomir Serge Sofia

Bulgarian Designer Lyubomir Serge SofiaBulgarian Designer Lyubomir Serge SofiaBulgarian Designer Lyubomir Serge SofiaBulgarian Designer Lyubomir Serge Sofia

Here are some very interesting and surreal works from Bulgarian artist Lyubomir Serge Sofia (I'm sorry if I am mis-representing this artist's name, but I'm getting the information from a translation of Serbian.) He creates some very stylized imagery which force you to come up with a story to match the picture. Any piece that can do that is well worth noting.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

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