Sasha Pivovarova

Sasha Pivovarova for Numéro China

Sasha Pivovarova sporting a Burberry jacket for Numéro China. Awesome photo minus the fact that we don't get to see Sasha's beautiful blue eyes. Shot by Greg Kadel.

Fashion Designers: 
Average: 4 (1 vote)

Diva Featuring Sasha Pivovarova by Miles Aldridge

The aptly titled Diva features a perfectly suited Sasha Pivovarova. Her portrayal of a diva is perfectly portrayed. From the seemingly bored acceptance of flowery praise, to the completely soul penetrating stare, to the complate outrage, she plays the emotions perfectly. I am especially fond of the way her eyes light up every picture. Photographed by the talented Miles Aldridge.

Diva Featuring Sasha Pivovarova by Miles Aldridge

Diva Featuring Sasha Pivovarova by Miles Aldridge

Diva Featuring Sasha Pivovarova by Miles Aldridge

Fashion Designers: 
Average: 4 (1 vote)

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