
Beautiful Mixed Media Collages by Katai Stienstra

What do you get when you mix beautiful women with cutouts from magazines? You get the wonderfully colorful and beautiful collages of Katai Stienstra. I love the unique patterns she incorporates into each piece. The use of nature in the backgrounds gives her art a feeling of serenity. Check out the rest of her collages here.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

Guitar Picks Jimi Hendrix by Ed Chapman

This ridiculously cool mosaic of Jimi Hendrix was made out of 5,000 guitar picks by artist Ed Chapman. The portrait was auctioned off for £23,000 at Abbey Road Studios in London as part of Cancer Research’s Sound & Vision fundraiser.

Average: 5 (2 votes)

Mixed Media Collages by Marek Haiduk

Marek Haiduk's digital art collages are defined by a mixture of shapes and vintage photos. I love the way each piece has a unique feel and avoids a set pattern.

Average: 2.5 (4 votes)

Rainbow Photo Swirl by Peter Coffin

This is a really cool piece of artwork by Peter Coffin. It was created by stitching together multiple photos with rainbows in them to create a singular swirling rainbow. It's really cool looking at the individual photos and seeing how they fit into the tapestry of the larger design.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

Mountain Collage Art by Liesl Pfeffer

Summer Fjord

Liesl Pfeffer is a photo-media artist from Melbourne Australia. She has some very cool patchwork photo collages. I love the sharp deliberate use of straight edges used to represent the mountains and also the use of cut out photos of the sky and grass to help create the collages. You can find her on Blogger, Flickr, Twitter and Tumblr.

The Crystal Lake

The Mountains Wait

Average: 4.5 (2 votes)

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