digital art

Digital Art Landscapes by swinspeed

Deviant Art user swinspeed has a way of creating captivating landscapes. Each one has an elegance and solitude about it. He makes great use of dark clouds and highly contrasting colors in many of his works, which creates an ominous yet epic feel.

Average: 2.8 (4 votes)

Through the Clouds, Night by Jacob Ankney (Jeddaka)

Love this digital art mashup by Deviant Art user Jacob Ankney (Jeddaka). The mountains were rendered in 3D and blended with the starry night sky. It has a very calming and surreal feel to it.

Average: 5 (1 vote)

Digital Artwork by IK-YD

Loving the energy of these digital art works by IK-YD (Natanaël Iabakidy). The compositions are interesting and have a clear focus, and each one has the perfect mix of color, shapes, textures, and photographic elements. 

Digital Artwork by IK-YD

Digital Artwork by IK-YD

Digital Artwork by IK-YD

Digital Artwork by IK-YD

Digital Artwork by IK-YD

Digital Artwork by IK-YD

Digital Artwork by IK-YD

Digital Artwork by IK-YD

Digital Artwork by IK-YD

Average: 2.9 (7 votes)

Street Fighter Tron Mashup by BossLogic

Here is an epic mashup of the characters from the Street Fighter series with a Tron glow. Deviant Art artist BossLogic took the Street fighter characters, and transported them into the world of Tron. He made great use of bright colors and added Tron's signature lines into each piece.

Street Fighter Tron Mashup by BossLogic

Street Fighter Tron Mashup by BossLogic

Street Fighter Tron Mashup by BossLogic

Street Fighter Tron Mashup by BossLogic

Street Fighter Tron Mashup by BossLogic

Street Fighter Tron Mashup by BossLogic

Street Fighter Tron Mashup by BossLogic

Street Fighter Tron Mashup by BossLogic

Street Fighter Tron Mashup by BossLogic

Street Fighter Tron Mashup by BossLogic

Street Fighter Tron Mashup by BossLogic

Average: 4 (5 votes)

Surreal Digital Art Illustrations by Michael Ostermann

I am a huge fan of Michael Ostermann's digital art illustrations. Each one sucks you into a surreal alternate world. Here is how he describes his process:

"Every project is different; in both needs and approach, he usually likes to start with a good photograph, a good idea that sets the mood of the overall image. He then applies his self-made resources and uses several photo-manipulation techniques, seeing where it leads."

Check out his Blog, Portfolio, and Twitter account to keep up with his amazing work.

Surreal Digital Art Illustrations by Michael Ostermann

Surreal Digital Art Illustrations by Michael Ostermann

Surreal Digital Art Illustrations by Michael Ostermann

Surreal Digital Art Illustrations by Michael Ostermann

Surreal Digital Art Illustrations by Michael Ostermann

Surreal Digital Art Illustrations by Michael Ostermann

Surreal Digital Art Illustrations by Michael Ostermann

Surreal Digital Art Illustrations by Michael Ostermann

Surreal Digital Art Illustrations by Michael Ostermann

Surreal Digital Art Illustrations by Michael Ostermann

Average: 5 (5 votes)

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