digital art

Colorful Fantasies by Patrick Monkel

Some sweet work by Dutch graphic designer Patrick Monkel. He makes great use of surreal elements and colorful effects to create some his fantasy worlds. Check out his Tumblr to see some of his design inspiration.

Average: 4 (4 votes)

Commander-in-Chief of Awesome by Jason Heuser (SharpWriter)

There is one thing all great presidents have in common: being a badass. Jason Heuser (SharpWriter on Deviant Art) perfectly portrays this concept in his awesome presidential portraits. This series has everything from fighting robots, zombies, and gorillas to riding a grizzly bear to victory. Make sure to check out his other paintings on Deviant Art, he some truly great work.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

Magical Fantasy Worlds by Manuel Sánchez

These magical fantasy worlds are the creative work of Manuel Rodríguez Sánchez. Manuel skillfully crafts his worlds, making great use of clouds, textures and contrast. I just want to jump in and explore. If you like these, check out the similar stories below.

Average: 5 (3 votes)

Realistic Disney Girls by Jirka Väätäinen

Jirka Väätäinen gives us an impressive glimpse at what the girls of Disney might look like in real life. What started out as a personal project has turned into a wildly popular series.

Each piece is a mixture of features from different pictures all over the internet. He mixes, blends and combines them together in Photoshop to come up with the final picture.

If you like these, you should also check out the Historical Disney Princesses by Claire Hummel.

Average: 4.5 (2 votes)

Be a Kid Again by Tarik Mikou

Have you ever had the urge to relive childhood and color a coloring book? Tarik Mikou has taken that idea and has given it the grown up treatment with this series "Be a Kid Again". Tarik takes black and white photos of iconic celebrities and colors them to his liking, giving us this fun and interesting series.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

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