
Cereal Couture by Tricia Clarke-Stone

Tricia Clarke-Stone (aka The Glam Foodie) of Sip, Chat, Chow gives us a look at what high end breakfast cereals would look like. I love the use of play on words and fun designs.

"It was inspired by my love of fashion, style and amazing food. I wanted to take something we all crave and give it a luxury lift. This tasty, chic collection gives a high-end, glam aesthetic to our favorite breakfast treats."

Average: 3.3 (3 votes)

Knitted Food by Ed Bing Lee

First we saw miniature food sculptures, then we saw landscapes made out of food, and now, we bring to you knitted food. Ed Bing Lee has clearly mastered the art of knitting amazing food items. Everything from a hamburger, to a pumpkin pie, to an ice cream sundae. Don't forget to check out some more of his great work on Fubiz.

Average: 4.5 (2 votes)

Miniature Food Sculptures by Kim Burke

Kim Burke masterfully mixes two of my favorite things: food and design. Her miniature food sculptures are absolutely incredible. She realistically creates everything from apple pie, to sushi, to cheese wedges. The amazing part is, they all look completely realistic and would be hard to distinguish from real food if it weren't for the giant fingers in the photos. You can find more of her work on Etsy, Deviant Art or Flickr.

Miniature Food Sculptures by Kim Burke

Miniature Food Sculptures by Kim Burke

Miniature Food Sculptures by Kim Burke

Miniature Food Sculptures by Kim Burke

Miniature Food Sculptures by Kim Burke

Miniature Food Sculptures by Kim Burke

Miniature Food Sculptures by Kim Burke

Miniature Food Sculptures by Kim Burke

Miniature Food Sculptures by Kim Burke

Miniature Food Sculptures by Kim Burke

Miniature Food Sculptures by Kim Burke

Miniature Food Sculptures by Kim Burke

Miniature Food Sculptures by Kim Burke

Miniature Food Sculptures by Kim Burke

Miniature Food Sculptures by Kim Burke

Miniature Food Sculptures by Kim Burke

Miniature Food Sculptures by Kim Burke

Miniature Food Sculptures by Kim Burke

Average: 5 (9 votes)

State Food Tote by Mélangerie

This great looking food tote by Mélangerie features illustrations of a unique food from each US state. It's a combination of two of my favorite things: food and design.

No votes yet

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