
Super Heroes Painted by Arian Noveir

I'm really digging Arian Noveir's series Super Heroes Painted. Arian captures the essence of each character with some well placed paint splatters and shapes. Each one has a great unique look, but also fits in well with the series as a whole. The paintings look minimalist, but give away enough details to clearly see who the character is. If you like these, you can get the prints on Society6

Average: 4 (1 vote)

Commander-in-Chief of Awesome by Jason Heuser (SharpWriter)

There is one thing all great presidents have in common: being a badass. Jason Heuser (SharpWriter on Deviant Art) perfectly portrays this concept in his awesome presidential portraits. This series has everything from fighting robots, zombies, and gorillas to riding a grizzly bear to victory. Make sure to check out his other paintings on Deviant Art, he some truly great work.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

Brushless Paintings by Amy Shackleton

Just when you thought you've seen every method for creating paintings, another Amy Shackleton comes along. Amy creates these psychodelic paintings without a paintbrush.The great lines and forms of her paintings are created by applying paint with squeeze bottles, and allowing gravity to do the work. Check out the video below for a cool demonstration.

Average: 5 (2 votes)

Realistic Car Window Paintings by Gregory Thielker

Here are some extremely realistic oil paintings of rain on car windows. They were painted by artist Gregory Thielker. These paintings make you feel like you are driving in your car on a rainy day. The rain streaks and water droplets are definitely top notch.

Realistic Car Window Paintings by Gregory Thielker

Realistic Car Window Paintings by Gregory Thielker

Realistic Car Window Paintings by Gregory Thielker

Realistic Car Window Paintings by Gregory Thielker

Average: 5 (3 votes)

Digital Artwork by Nastplas

I'm digging the digital art/painting of Nastplas. This duo from Spain creates some very cool digital paintings using intricate lines, swirls, and patterns mixed with some real life subject matter.

Average: 5 (2 votes)

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