
Sick Pop Culture Paintings by Vlad Rodriguez aka Pixeldomestiko

Vlad aka Pixeldomestiko is a creative director living in Miami, FL who studied art in Peru and Brazil. He uses a mixture of modern and classical art styles in his work. He also happens to be the genius behind this epic collection of movie and pop culture paintings. His subject matter ranges from The Walking Dead to Back to the Future. Can you name all the ones here?

P.S. You can buy some of his art here.

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A Tribute to The Avengers at Gallery 1988

If you haven't seen the Avengers movie, stop what you are doing right now and go see it. If you have seen it, then go ahead and enjoy these tributes to The Avengers that were showcased at Gallery 1988. If you are lucky you might find a piece that you like for sale.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

Photorealistic Paintings by Richard Estes

Richard Estes is an American artist best known for his photo-realist paintings. They often consist of clean inatimate scenes of cities. He is widely regarded as one of the founders of the photorealist movement of the 1960's. His paintings make you realize how even the mundane things in life can be quite beautiful.

Average: 3.7 (3 votes)

Incredible Fantasy Worlds by moonywolf

Khoa Le (aka moonywolf) creates some amazing fantasy worlds. The graceful women in her art are surrounded by incredibly rich, colorful, and beautiful fantasy landscapes. She employs great use of shape, texture and composition to draw your attention into her surreal worlds.

Average: 5 (2 votes)

Ink Illustrations by Jungshan

Rola Chang (aka Jungshan) is an office clerk by day and freelance illustrator by night. She uses a mixture of ink and digital drawing tools to create dynamic works that are full of energy and life. Her work draws a lot of inspiration from Asian culture and calligraphy paintings.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

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