
Starry Night (interactive animation) by Petros Vrellis

"A try to visualize the flow of the famous painting "Starry Night" of Vincent Van Gogh.The user can interact with the animation. Also, the sound responds to the flow.Made with openframeworks."
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Camouflage Body Paintings by Cecilia Paredes

Did you notice anything interesting about that wallpaper at first glance? Take a closer look, and you can see Cecilia Paredes' face blending into the background. Cecilia wraps, covers, and paints her own body to match the background, and presents herself as part of the landscape. Her body looks as if it is disappearing. An experienc she describes as very exciting.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

Breathtaking Cityscape Paintings by Evgeny Lushpin

If these beautiful paintings by Evgeny Lushpin don't make you want to travel the world, nothing will. His use of color and attention to detail create amazing moods in his paintings. If you like these, check out more great work on his portfolio.

Average: 5 (1 vote)

Double Exposure Paintings by Pakayla Biehn

If you like double exposure photography, you'll be sure to love these double exposure paintings by Pakayla Biehn. Biehn collaborates with multiple photographers to create these masterful re-creations. At first glance you might mistake them for photos. Her attention to details is amazing. For more, check the Double Exposure series on her site.

Average: 5 (1 vote)

La Danza by Hamish Blakely

Hamish Blakely perfectly captures the poses, emotions, and idiosyncrasies of dancing in his series La Danza. I love the detailed outifts, color choices, and the variety of moves he captures. He also has a nice series featuring The Roaring Twenties.

Average: 4.5 (2 votes)

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