
Epic Landscape Photography by Jim Richardson

Jim Richardson is an editorial and documentary photographer who has been working for National Geographic for 25 years. His work documents cultures, environmental issues, and documentary projects. Here's a small sample of his work. Each one makes you feel like you are in a still frame from an epic tale.

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Signs of Spring: 2012 by The Big Picture

As expected, The Big Picture provides us with an amazing photo series. This one celebrates the start of Spring 2012. Visit the article to see more great photos and captions explaining them.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

Stereographic Projections by Wouter van Buuren

These amazing sterographic projections were taken by Netherlands based photographer Wouter van Buuren. He takes multiple pictures and merges them into a new reality. To get a 'total landscape' of the visible scenery, he takes his photos atop electricity towers, cranes, high rise buildings, and bridges.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

Dark Lens by Cédric Delsaux

Cédric Delsaux was taking photos in the desolate areas of modern cities like Paris and Dubai, but found there was something missing. So he placed Star Wars characters into his photos and created this amazing set of photos entitled Dark Lens. If you like this series, you can buy the book on Amazon.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

Beautiful Landscapes by Nina Bradica

Nina Bradica's work features some vibrant colors and wonderful landscapes. A few of them even look like scenes from a dream. You can check out more of her work on Flickr.

Average: 4.5 (2 votes)

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