
That's How! by Christoph Niemann

Love these illustrations by Christoph Niemann on how different things work. It shows  children how fun using your imagination can be. You can get That's How on Amazon!

Average: 5 (1 vote)

Beast Mode by Helmo

This is a very interesting series by French design duo HELMO (Thomas Couderc and Clément Vauchez) called Bêtes de Mode. Each photo in the series combines a person in a bluish hue and an animal in a redish hue in synchronous poses.This combination gives the images the look of a 3D image without the glasses. I'm not sure if the animals were chosen for each person for a reason, but when they look this cool, I'm not sure that it matters.

Beast Mode by Helmo

Beast Mode by Helmo

Beast Mode by Helmo

Beast Mode by Helmo

Beast Mode by Helmo

Beast Mode by Helmo

Beast Mode by Helmo

Beast Mode by Helmo

Average: 5 (4 votes)

Animal Illustrations by Denis Gonchar

I am loving the digital illustrations of Denis Gonchar. His illustrations make great use of colors, lines, shapes and textures. Even though the pieces may have a similar feel, they were all created using different methods. You can feel a sense of exploration and experimentation with his works.

Average: 4.6 (5 votes)

Book Cutout Art by Alexander Korzer-Robinson

Alexander Korzer-Robinson creates his book art pieces by cutting around some illustrations in the book and removing others. This art focuses on the "inner landscape". Visit his site here for more of his work.

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