I am absolutely floored by the illustrative art of Brittney Lee. All of her illustrations look like they were plucked straight out of a Disney animated movie. From the character and background illustrations, to the details and colors, everything matches the quality of the most impressive Disney animation. She has even created some paper art that you can catch at the bottom! If you like her work, I highly suggest purchasing something from her Etsy store.
Here is an epic mashup of the characters from the Street Fighter series with a Tron glow. Deviant Art artist BossLogic took the Street fighter characters, and transported them into the world of Tron. He made great use of bright colors and added Tron's signature lines into each piece.
Denis Zilber creates some amazing caricature illustrations. His work has been widely seen around the internet as well as publications such as GQ. He makes great use of exaggeration, colors, textures and composition to create a unique and memorable style. Check out his blog to keep up to date on his work.
Charles II – The Merrie Monarch (1630 -1685)
You might recognize the style from Alexia Sinclair's sister series, The Regal Twelve. This one features twelve nobles and monarchs.To create these amazing works, Alexia weaved together very specific elements from her own photos and illustrations. Here is how the series is described on her site:
"Legends of the lives of the nobles continue to captivate us today, from the pampered decadence of Louis XIV to the epic legend of Alexander the Great. Other rulers who also form this series are less renowned yet equally intriguing. An unusual blend of Royalty, their selection was based on their contrasts in leadership, their flamboyancies and their enduring influence upon society."
To read more about this series, check out her website post.
Vlad Drăculea – Son of the Dragon (1431 – 1476)
Alexander the Great – Son of Zeus (356–323 bc)
Genghis Khan – The Mongol Warrior (1162–1227)
Hannibal – Grace of Baal (247–182 bc)
Pope Alexander VI – The Borgia Pope (1431 –1503)
Shah Jahan – King of the World (1592 –1666)
Louis XIV – The Sun King (1638–1715)
Peter Romanov - The Great (1672–1725)
Marquis de Sade – The Sadist (1740–1814)
Napoleon Bonaparte – Emperor of the French (1769–1821)
Lorenzo de' Medici – The Magnificent (1449–92)
I am loving these 30 Rock portraits by Andrew Salomone. They feature characters Liz Lemon (Tina Fey) and Jack Donaghy (Alec Baldwin), and the best part is, they are made of Nerds! I am absolutely certain that Liz would appreciate this fine tribute. If you haven't watched the show before, I highly suggest it.