
Character Alphabets by Mike BaBoon

What's not to love about these character alphabets by Mike BaBoon? One thing I did realize while looking at these is I don't know nearly as many characters' names as I thought I did. The shows/movies in order are: Sesame Street, Harry Potter, Dr. Seuss, The Muppets, The Simpsons, Pixar and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Not to be confused with Michael Bay's Ninja Turtles).

If you like these, you can buy prints on Society6.

Average: 4.5 (2 votes)

Mad Men Barbie Dolls by Robert Best

In honor of the upcoming premiere of Mad Men Season 5, I present you with these awesome Mad Men Barbie Dolls. The dolls, featuring Don Draper, Betty Draper, Joan Holloway, and Roger Sterling, were designed by Robert Best with the help of Mad Men creator Matt Weiner and show designer Janine Bryant. They are also the first in the Barbie Fashion Model Collection. Learn more about these dolls in an interview with Robert Best.

If you want, you can buy these dolls on Barbie collector.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

Superhero Prints by Danny Haas

If you are a comic book lover, then you'll love this series of prints by Danny Haas. Haas gives a side by side comparison of super heroes with their secret identities. Loving the grunge looks and colors and minimalist character outlines. You can get the art prints at Society6. If you like these, you might also like Super Heroes Painted by Arian Noveir.

Average: 4.5 (2 votes)

Super Heroes Painted by Arian Noveir

I'm really digging Arian Noveir's series Super Heroes Painted. Arian captures the essence of each character with some well placed paint splatters and shapes. Each one has a great unique look, but also fits in well with the series as a whole. The paintings look minimalist, but give away enough details to clearly see who the character is. If you like these, you can get the prints on Society6

Average: 4 (1 vote)

Perspective Sculptures by James Hopkins

When somebody tells you art looks different from another perspective, they probably weren't talking about these sculptures by James Hopkins. He takes perspective artwork to a whole new level with these perspective sculptures of famous cartoon characters. At one angle, you might be wondering what in the world are you looking at, but at the proper angle it all comes together. Great work!

Average: 2 (3 votes)

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