Great Jack o' Lantern Blaze

Some amazing photos from the Great Jack o' Lantern Blaze featuring over 5000 individually hand-carved jack o' lanterns!

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Averaged Faces and Human Beauty by Bill Lytton

Photographer Bill Lytton took the averages of the world's most beautiful people and regular people to see what makes a face beautiful. On the left side of the images you see the attractive faces, on the right the regular faces. Read more about this interesting study at Peta Pixel.

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World Ice Championships: Sculptures from a Single Block of Ice

Amazing sculptures from the World Ice Art Championships 2013. They are the world's largets ice sculpting competitions and are a month-long. The block here are sculptures made from a single block of ice!

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Fantastic Halloween Pumpkin Carvings by Ray Villafane

To celebrate the upcoming Halloween holiday, I present you with these unbelievable pumpkin carvings by Ray Villafane.

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Game of Thrones Costume Embroidery Design by Michele Carragher

Michele Carragher is the embroidery designer of the costumes on Game of Thrones. The amount of details in them is staggering.

Average: 5 (1 vote)

Intricate Origami Paper Art by Cuong Nguyen

Cuong Nguyen is a master of origami art. Just take a look at some of these beautiful pieces!

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Lady Avengers Wallpaper

Somebody needs to make this happen!

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Dark Disney Princesses by Herr Nilsson

Herr Nilsson imagined these evil versions of Disney princesses.

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MetroCard Collages by Nina Boesch

Nina Boesch creates collages out of one of the most overlooked yet iconic symbols of New York City: the MetroCard. She has created everything from the subway trains, to taxis, to Yankee Stadium by using the limited colors from the cards.

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Unbelievable Celebrity Graphite Portraits by Franco Clun

Franco Clun is the incredibly talented artist behind these photorealistic celebrity portraits. As hard it is to believe, Franco did not study art, everything he learned was from experience and reading books!

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