Earth Air Fire Water Ambigram by John Langdon

This sweet ambigram looks the same forwards, backwards, top down and upside down. Read an interview with designer John Langdon about the process of creating one here.

Average: 5 (1 vote)

Parking to Park Graffiti by Banksy

Another great piece by Banksy, turning a parking sign into a park sign with a girl on a swing.

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Leaning Tower of Pisa Typography Book Ilustration

Penguin Books did a promotion for traveling the world with words. Each advertisement was to hilight a landmark using only letters. To see more visit Illusion 360.

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3d Architectural Kitchen Rendering by Fernando Di Gasperi

I still can't believe this a 3D rendering. Fernando Di Gasperi creates some truly inspiring work.

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Cheeseburger Paper Art by Stephanie Anderson

Some intricate burger designs by Stephanie Anderson.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

Mario World with Peeps

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Alphabet Wallpaper by Peagabassi

Average: 5 (1 vote)

Escape Digital Illustration

Average: 5 (1 vote)


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