Big Bang Big Boom by BLU

BIG BANG BIG BOOM - the new wall-painted animation by BLU from blu on Vimeo.

Big Bang, Big Boom is an unscientific point of view on the beginning and evolution of life ... and how it could probably end. Blu is one of the most talented stop motion animation artists around. Check out more of his videos if you like this one. You won't be disappointed.

Average: 5 (1 vote)

Eureka Tower Carpark Signs by Axel Peemoeller

These creative signs were create by Axel Peemoeller for the Eureka Tower Carpark in Melbourne, Australia. The letters are distorted but can be read perfectly when read at the right position. This work won several international design awards. To see some more cool signs/symbols, visit Notcot.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

Up Engagement Ring Box and Figurines by Michal Miszta

Michal Miszta was commissioned to model this engagement ring box after Carl Fredricksen's house from Pixar's Up.

Michal also created these figurines after the Carl Fredricksen character.

Carl Fredricksen kid figurineCarl Fredricksen kid figurine

Average: 4.5 (2 votes)

28 Camera Drawings by Christine Berrie

A very cool hand drawn poster/print by Christine Berrie. Each camera has a unique look and the the details put into each one are fantastic. You can buy this print at 20x200.

Here's a quote from Christine,"I enjoy creating images that contain a lot of detail. In terms of subject matter, cameras are a current favourite, with a plethora of little buttons, switches, levers and dials. As cameras in the digital age become increasingly sleek, streamlined and monochrome in design, here is a visual celebration of vintage models from days gone by, created using graphite and colour pencil."

Average: 5 (1 vote)

Nuclear Clothing Explosion by Guerra de la Paz

Guerra de la Paz is the creative team of Alain Guerra and Neraldo de la Paz. They are based in Miami,FL. This clothing explosion art is not the only interesting and creative piece by the team. They feature some very interesting and unique art that you can catch a glimspe of here. Their specialty is creating unique art out of ordinary everyday items.

This art is definitely reminiscent of the Licorne Nuclear Explosion

Average: 4 (1 vote)

Thank me later poster design by Maxime Quoilin

A simple yet beautiful and elegant poster design by Maxime QuoilinSimple yet beautiful and elegant poster designs by Maxime QuoilinThis is a wonderful set of posters by Maxime Quoilin. He does a beautiful job of combining two separate poses into one fluent and elegant, yet simple, design.

Average: 4.7 (3 votes)

Gandhi Trash Art

Not sure exactly where this came from or who made it, but it is hell-a cool. Reminds me a little of the shadow art created from junk. If you know of its origins, post it in the comments below.  Courtesy of Bill.

Average: 5 (1 vote)

Tsunami-Oblivious Paper Cut-out Art by Bovey Lee

This amazing paper cut-out artwork was created by Bovey Lee.Here's his description of the work, "The foreground involves a sort of kids fight, surrounded by giant jellyfish being rushed to shore by the crashing waves. The mid-ground consists of two oil drilling platforms, collapsing, exploding, and catching on fire. The main figure is the girl on the couch who is unaware of what’s about to happen and laughing away. In the back, the threatening waves are in full throttle, while elephants balance on beach balls at the edge of a wall of water."

Average: 3 (2 votes)

Carnevale Mask Advertisement by Mohanad Shuraideh

Loving this advertisement for Carnevale by Mohanad Shuraideh. It effectively portrays the spirit and wonder of Carneval and it makes great use of bold colors. You might remember his work from the Burjuman Advertisement.

Average: 3.8 (4 votes)

State Food Tote by Mélangerie

This great looking food tote by Mélangerie features illustrations of a unique food from each US state. It's a combination of two of my favorite things: food and design.

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