Rolling through the Bay by Scott Weaver

This might just be the most ingenious sculpture ever created. Scott Weaver's Rolling through the Bay sculpture of San Francisco is not just a sculpture made of 100k toothpicks, it is also a kinetic sculpture that gives you multiple tours of San Francisco via different paths in the sculpure. Using ping pong balls as your tour guides, you can see various landmarks, neighbords, historic locations, and iconic symbols of the Bay Area.This amazing sculpture has taken over 3,000 hours in 35 years to create, and is still being built with toothpicks from around the world.

Watching this video is a must to understand the true awesomeness of his work.

Average: 1.8 (12 votes)

That's How! by Christoph Niemann

Love these illustrations by Christoph Niemann on how different things work. It shows  children how fun using your imagination can be. You can get That's How on Amazon!

Average: 5 (1 vote)

Hyperphotos by Jean Francois Rauzier

 Jean Francois Rauzier's hyperphotos might look like a single photo, but these self dubbed hyperphotos are made of hundreds and sometimes thousands of individual photos. You can dive into each one and find an incredible  amount of detail. Rauzier spends countless hours collecting and stitching together photos until it is impossible to distinguish between them. Make sure to check out the incredible full resolution photos at his portfolio.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

Fashion Artwork by Daniela Glunz

From the fashion photographer who brought us the wonderful set of beauty photos comes this great set of fashion artworks. Daniela Glunz masterfully mixes fashion photos with paint splatters to create these colorful and dynamic works.

Average: 4.5 (2 votes)

Dear Blank, Please Blank

These awesome and humorous letters were pulled from the archives of Dear blank, please blank and printed on stationary by Sapling Press on Etsy. You can grab one of these witty cards for $4.50 at their store.

Average: 4.5 (2 votes)

Historically Hardcore by Jenny Burrows and Matt Kappler

This is an awesome set by  Jenny Burrows and Matt Kappler entitled Historically Hardcore. It takes the relatively hardcore feats of current celebrities and compares them to the true bad-assery of historical figures. This campaign became so viral, Jenny had to remove the Smithsonian logos from the work due to them not being affiliated with the museum. You can read more about it on her blog.

Average: 4.5 (2 votes)

Beautiful Mixed Media Collages by Katai Stienstra

What do you get when you mix beautiful women with cutouts from magazines? You get the wonderfully colorful and beautiful collages of Katai Stienstra. I love the unique patterns she incorporates into each piece. The use of nature in the backgrounds gives her art a feeling of serenity. Check out the rest of her collages here.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

Digital Art Landscapes by swinspeed

Deviant Art user swinspeed has a way of creating captivating landscapes. Each one has an elegance and solitude about it. He makes great use of dark clouds and highly contrasting colors in many of his works, which creates an ominous yet epic feel.

Average: 2.8 (4 votes)

Guitar Picks Jimi Hendrix by Ed Chapman

This ridiculously cool mosaic of Jimi Hendrix was made out of 5,000 guitar picks by artist Ed Chapman. The portrait was auctioned off for £23,000 at Abbey Road Studios in London as part of Cancer Research’s Sound & Vision fundraiser.

Average: 5 (2 votes)

Wonderfully Colorful Illustrations by Shadow Chen

Shadow Chen aka Saltyshadow is a wonderful illustrator out of Ningbo, China. Her work incorporates liquid forms and bright colors. Each work draws you in and transports you to another world.

Average: 4 (1 vote)


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