Crayola Color Chart, 1903-2010 by Velociraptor

This awesome infographic chart displays how the Crayola crayon box has evolved from 8 colors in 1903 to the present day 120 count. The number of colors also grows at a 2.56% annual rate and the number of colors doubles every 28 years. Find out more info about it at Data Pointed.

Average: 3 (1 vote)

Mountain Collage Art by Liesl Pfeffer

Summer Fjord

Liesl Pfeffer is a photo-media artist from Melbourne Australia. She has some very cool patchwork photo collages. I love the sharp deliberate use of straight edges used to represent the mountains and also the use of cut out photos of the sky and grass to help create the collages. You can find her on Blogger, Flickr, Twitter and Tumblr.

The Crystal Lake

The Mountains Wait

Average: 4.5 (2 votes)

Starcraft's Time by Juan Carlos Solon

The nerd and Starcraft junkie in me loves this illustration by Juan Carlos Solon. It gives the game about war and domination a fun and playful twist.
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Digital Artwork by Luis Beltrán

A girl, on a swing, over an entire city.

Luis Beltrán is a digital artist from Spain that has a way with images. He masterfully combines photos and illustrations to create memorable, surreal and thought provoking works. Each one pulls you in and forces you to create a story for it. He truly has an eye for art and storytelling. Below each image, I will give you my interpretation of it.

This one makes you wonder what that could possibly be thinking.

This one makes you wonder what that could possibly be thinking.

Is this an abandoned railroad car or is it on a journey?

Is this an abandoned railroad car or is it on a journey?

There's a storm brewing up.

There's a storm brewing up.

A path to a wonderous carnival, or an eerie circus tent.

A path to a wonderous carnival, or an eerie circus tent.

May the darkness lead to light.

May the darkness lead to light.

Elepnants are fantastic pets.

Elephants are fantastic pets.

The beginning of an epic journey, or the end of the road?

The beginning of an epic journey, or the end of the road?

Average: 5 (2 votes)

Detective Comics #871 Batman Illustration by Jock

This is a fantastic Batman comic illustration by illustrator Jock. It is composed mostly of simple lines and coloring, but the compilation of them creates a really impressive illustration. I find the "the black mirror" text at the bottom especially effective. It has a shaky handwritten style that further exemplifies the ominous feeling of the piece.

Average: 2.5 (2 votes)

The Godfather in Shutter Shades

A very Kanye-ish rendering of Marlon Brando as the Godfather in Shutter Shades.

Average: 5 (1 vote)

How to Turn a Mediocre Photo Into a Good One

This is a hilarious image explaining how to make your mediocre photo into one people will like. I've seen plenty enough examples of this to know it is true. If you are a Tumblr or image sharing site user, you've seen this a million times.

Average: 5 (1 vote)

Pixar Illustrations by Jerrod Maruyama

Pixar Illustrations by Jerrod MaruyamaPixar Illustrations by Jerrod Maruyama Illustrations by Jerrod MaruyamaAdorable Pixar character illustrations by Jerrod Maruyama. It takes the appeal of the Pixar characters and turns them into eve more adorable 2D illustrated figures.

Average: 4.8 (5 votes)

Bulgarian Designer Lyubomir Serge Sofia

Bulgarian Designer Lyubomir Serge SofiaBulgarian Designer Lyubomir Serge SofiaBulgarian Designer Lyubomir Serge SofiaBulgarian Designer Lyubomir Serge Sofia

Here are some very interesting and surreal works from Bulgarian artist Lyubomir Serge Sofia (I'm sorry if I am mis-representing this artist's name, but I'm getting the information from a translation of Serbian.) He creates some very stylized imagery which force you to come up with a story to match the picture. Any piece that can do that is well worth noting.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

Zefiro Torna Creative by Coming Soon

Here are some pretty cool works for the music ensemble Zefiro Torna by Coming Soon.

Photography: Lievan Dirckx, Art Direction: Jim Van Raemdonck

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