Never Be My Friend by Adam Ellis

I absolutely love these drawings by Adam Ellis. Adam just browses through his friends' Facebook images, chooses his favorite ones, and draws them. I love the style and humorous liberties he takes on each photo. You can even get one of yourself!

Average: 4 (1 vote)

Sumeru by Nick Pedersen

Nick Pedersen's Sumeru is an amazing series depicting the road to becoming a Zen Master. Each illustration has intricate details and sharp contrasts that draw you into the Zen Master's journey. You can see more illustrations and info about this series at Nick's site.

Average: 5 (1 vote)

Elements and Oddities by Jacub Gagnon

Love these whimsical and detailed still life paintings of animals by Jacub Gagnon. What's not to love about these highly detailed, colorful and realistic looking animals in strange settings.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

Historical Disney Princesses by Claire Hummel

Love these illustrations by Claire Hummel (shoomlah on Deviant Art). Claire redrew Disney princesses to have more historically accurate attire. To see some of the resources she used for the dress designs, read her resource page. You can also read an FAQ about this series.

Average: 4.8 (4 votes)

Digital Art by Erik Schumacher

Erik Schumacher (kire1987 on Deviant Art) is a German student studying physics, but in my opinion, he should stick to art. He definitely has some impressive work and is part of the distinguished Depthcore art collective. There is a distinct style to his work, but his techniques don't feel overused. Check out some more of his work on Deviant Art.

Average: 4 (2 votes)

Pictures That Tell a Story by Matt Sartain

Matt Sartain is a San Francisco based photographer whose work is inspired by his love for storytelling. He concepts, shoots and style his own work, which has appeared in the New York Times Magazine and PDN. You can see how he created the image above on his blog.

Average: 4.5 (2 votes)

Awe Inspiring Paintings by Huang Guofu

If you ever get discouraged with your work and need some motivation, recall the paintings of Huang Guofu. Huang lost his arms in electrical accident at the age of four, but never became discouraged. Instead, he pursued his dreams by painting with his feet. At the age of 18, Huang's father became ill, so he traveled China and sold his painting to help pay for his father's treatments.

He became so good at painting that he was awarded the role of vice-curator at the Chongqing Talents Museum and has encouraged other mouth and foot painters to join the museum.

Average: 5 (1 vote)

Stunning and Surreal Digital Art by Albulena Panduri

Albulena Panduri (blue-a on Deviant Art) has created some absolutely stunning photo manipulations. Each one grabs you and draws you into a surreal and beautiful new world. I couldn't help but stare in awe at all of her fantasy worlds. I highly suggest checking out the rest of her gallery if you get a chance.

Average: 5 (1 vote)

Sweet dreams

No votes yet

Back of a Webpage by Jeff Lam and Josephine Yatar

If you ever wondered what your favorite webpage looks like behind the scenes, look no further. Jeff Lam and Josephine Yatar give us a humorous light-hearted look at the back of the most popular websites. Check out their Tumblr for future updates.

Average: 4 (1 vote)


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