Cut-out Portraits by Lucas C. Simões

These are some incredibly interesting cut-out portraits by Lucas C. Simões. He takes a seemingly normal portrait and transforms it into something completely unique and interesting. These cut-outs are made from the same stacked image and have up to 13 layers. I love the abstract geometric figures and shapes he has created with these portraits.

Cut-out Portraits by Lucas C. Simões

Cut-out Portraits by Lucas C. Simões

Cut-out Portraits by Lucas C. Simões

Cut-out Portraits by Lucas C. Simões

Cut-out Portraits by Lucas C. Simões

Cut-out Portraits by Lucas C. Simões

Average: 4.5 (2 votes)

Photoetched Christmas and New Year's Card by Daniel Bjugård

This is an awesome photoetched Christmas and New Year's card made of .2mm hardened steel. It was created by Daniel Bjugård in collaboration with Mikroponent AB. It's a pretty awesome take on a normally conventional product.

Photoetched Christmas and New Year's Card by Daniel Bjugård

Photoetched Christmas and New Year's Card by Daniel Bjugård

Photoetched Christmas and New Year's Card by Daniel Bjugård

Average: 2.7 (3 votes)

Star Wars Posters by Olly Moss

Even if you aren't a fan of Star Wars, you have to admit these posters by Olly Moss are damn cool. I love the character silhouettes and simple, yet illustrative, shapes used in these posters.This post also fulfills my nerd quota for the month.

Star Wars Posters by Olly Moss

Star Wars Posters by Olly Moss

Average: 4 (3 votes)

Beast Mode by Helmo

This is a very interesting series by French design duo HELMO (Thomas Couderc and Clément Vauchez) called Bêtes de Mode. Each photo in the series combines a person in a bluish hue and an animal in a redish hue in synchronous poses.This combination gives the images the look of a 3D image without the glasses. I'm not sure if the animals were chosen for each person for a reason, but when they look this cool, I'm not sure that it matters.

Beast Mode by Helmo

Beast Mode by Helmo

Beast Mode by Helmo

Beast Mode by Helmo

Beast Mode by Helmo

Beast Mode by Helmo

Beast Mode by Helmo

Beast Mode by Helmo

Average: 5 (4 votes)

The Royal Dozen by Alexia Sinclair

Charles II – The Merrie Monarch (1630 -1685)

You might recognize the style from Alexia Sinclair's sister series,  The Regal Twelve. This one features twelve nobles and monarchs.To create these amazing works, Alexia weaved together very specific elements from her own photos and illustrations. Here is how the series is described on her site:

"Legends of the lives of the nobles continue to captivate us today, from the pampered decadence of Louis XIV to the epic legend of Alexander the Great. Other rulers who also form this series are less renowned yet equally intriguing. An unusual blend of Royalty, their selection was based on their contrasts in leadership, their flamboyancies and their enduring influence upon society."

To read more about this series, check out her website post.

The Royal Dozen by Alexia SinclairVlad Drăculea – Son of the Dragon (1431 – 1476)

The Royal Dozen by Alexia SinclairAlexander the Great – Son of Zeus (356–323 bc)

The Royal Dozen by Alexia SinclairGenghis Khan – The Mongol Warrior (1162–1227)

The Royal Dozen by Alexia SinclairHannibal – Grace of Baal (247–182 bc)

The Royal Dozen by Alexia SinclairPope Alexander VI – The Borgia Pope (1431 –1503)

The Royal Dozen by Alexia SinclairShah Jahan – King of the World (1592 –1666)

The Royal Dozen by Alexia SinclairLouis XIV – The Sun King (1638–1715)

The Royal Dozen by Alexia SinclairPeter Romanov - The Great (1672–1725)

The Royal Dozen by Alexia SinclairMarquis de Sade – The Sadist (1740–1814)

The Royal Dozen by Alexia SinclairNapoleon Bonaparte – Emperor of the French (1769–1821)

The Royal Dozen by Alexia SinclairLorenzo de' Medici – The Magnificent (1449–92)

Average: 5 (1 vote)

Realistic Car Window Paintings by Gregory Thielker

Here are some extremely realistic oil paintings of rain on car windows. They were painted by artist Gregory Thielker. These paintings make you feel like you are driving in your car on a rainy day. The rain streaks and water droplets are definitely top notch.

Realistic Car Window Paintings by Gregory Thielker

Realistic Car Window Paintings by Gregory Thielker

Realistic Car Window Paintings by Gregory Thielker

Realistic Car Window Paintings by Gregory Thielker

Average: 5 (3 votes)

Nerds 30 Rock Portraits by Andrew Salomone

I am loving these 30 Rock portraits by Andrew Salomone. They feature characters Liz Lemon (Tina Fey) and Jack Donaghy (Alec Baldwin), and the best part is, they are made of Nerds! I am absolutely certain that Liz would appreciate this fine tribute. If you haven't watched the show before, I highly suggest it.

Nerds 30 Rock Portraits by Andrew Salomone

Nerds 30 Rock Portraits by Andrew Salomone

Average: 5 (2 votes)

Realistic Mosh Pit Paintings by Dan Witz

If someone showed you these pictures, would you believe they weren't photos? Well, they're not. They are ultra realistic paintings by New York based street artist Dan Witz. If you like them enough, you can go buy the prints. The amount of detail and realism that goes into each and every person is truly extraordinary.

Realistic Mosh Pit Paintings by Dan Witz

Realistic Mosh Pit Paintings by Dan Witz

Realistic Mosh Pit Paintings by Dan Witz

Realistic Mosh Pit Paintings by Dan Witz

Realistic Mosh Pit Paintings by Dan Witz

Realistic Mosh Pit Paintings by Dan Witz

Realistic Mosh Pit Paintings by Dan Witz

Average: 5 (2 votes)

Miniature Food Sculptures by Kim Burke

Kim Burke masterfully mixes two of my favorite things: food and design. Her miniature food sculptures are absolutely incredible. She realistically creates everything from apple pie, to sushi, to cheese wedges. The amazing part is, they all look completely realistic and would be hard to distinguish from real food if it weren't for the giant fingers in the photos. You can find more of her work on Etsy, Deviant Art or Flickr.

Miniature Food Sculptures by Kim Burke

Miniature Food Sculptures by Kim Burke

Miniature Food Sculptures by Kim Burke

Miniature Food Sculptures by Kim Burke

Miniature Food Sculptures by Kim Burke

Miniature Food Sculptures by Kim Burke

Miniature Food Sculptures by Kim Burke

Miniature Food Sculptures by Kim Burke

Miniature Food Sculptures by Kim Burke

Miniature Food Sculptures by Kim Burke

Miniature Food Sculptures by Kim Burke

Miniature Food Sculptures by Kim Burke

Miniature Food Sculptures by Kim Burke

Miniature Food Sculptures by Kim Burke

Miniature Food Sculptures by Kim Burke

Miniature Food Sculptures by Kim Burke

Miniature Food Sculptures by Kim Burke

Miniature Food Sculptures by Kim Burke

Average: 5 (9 votes)

The Regal Twelve by Alexia Sinclair

Christina of Sweden - The Androgynous Queen (1626 – 1689)

This is an absolutely incredible digital art series by Alexia Sinclair. Here's an excerpt from her site explaining the series:

"Alexia Sinclair’s The Regal Twelve is a series that combines hundreds of photographic elements and illustrations to form complex digitally montaged artworks. The series portrays twelve European monarchs who have ruled supreme and whose lives span over two millennia. Through the study of history and portraiture, a series of contrasting regals formed, whose stories are revealed within each artwork. Travelling to Europe to photograph a host of regal backdrops, Sinclair returned to Australia to photograph models and props in the studio. Like pieces from a jigsaw puzzle, she meticulously stitched together each element, along with a myriad of delicious symbols and motifs relating to each monarch."

To read more on the series, click here. I also look forward to The Royal Dozen series, which features a series of 12 monarchs.

Catherine the Great - The Enlightened Empress (1729–1796)

Eleanor of Aquitaine - The Eagle (1122 – 1204)

Marie Antoinette - The extravagant Queen (1755-1793)

Elizabeth Báthory – The Countess of Blood (1560-1614)

Agrippina - The Poisoness (AD 15-59)

Elizabeth I – The Virgin Queen (1533-1603)

Isabella of Spain - The Catholic (1451 – 1504)

Olympias - The Sorceress (376 BC – 316 BC)

Alexandra Romanov – The last Czarina of Russia (1872-1918)

Boudica – The Celtic Queen. (AD 26 - 61)

Average: 3.7 (3 votes)


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