Tilt-Shift Van Gogh by Serena Malyon

I know this series has made its run around the internet, but I'd still like to share it. This series was created by Serena Malyon, who took Vincent van Gogh paintings and used Photoshop to create the tilt-shift effect.

Average: 4.5 (2 votes)

Scratching the Surface Wall Art by Alexandre Farto aka Vhils

Alexandre Farto aka Vhils is a Portuguese street artist based in London. He has an amazing knack for creating large wall art pieces. His art stands out because they huge pieces that are created by playing with layers and textures to create the effect.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

My Little Pony by Mari Kasurinen

Mari Kasurinen has a knack for turning My Little Pony dolls into anything she wants. She's turned them into everything from Lady Gaga to Skeletor. These ponies have incredible likenesses to the subjects they are modeled after and each one is done with great care and detail. Check out more of her ponies on Flickr.

Average: 5 (3 votes)

Tsar Peter and tsarevitch Alexey by People Too

This is a truly masterful and intricate paper cut-out design by People Too. I love seeing the process people go through in order to create their work, and this one is especially cool. You get to see the amount of work and the intricate details that were put into the design. Check out the Behance post to see some of the other behind the scenes photos.

Average: 5 (1 vote)

Hero and Villain Series by Simon C Page

The Dark Side

These sweet posters are part of the Hero and Villain series by Simon C. Page. They feature some well known rivalries: Luke Skywalker vs Darth Vader, Batman vs Penguin and Spiderman vs Green Goblin. I especially like the Batman and Spiderman posters which feature the foreground-background optical illusion.

Batman vs Penguin

Spiderman vs Green Goblin


Average: 4.3 (3 votes)

Animal Illustrations by Denis Gonchar

I am loving the digital illustrations of Denis Gonchar. His illustrations make great use of colors, lines, shapes and textures. Even though the pieces may have a similar feel, they were all created using different methods. You can feel a sense of exploration and experimentation with his works.

Average: 4.6 (5 votes)

Mixed Media Collages by Marek Haiduk

Marek Haiduk's digital art collages are defined by a mixture of shapes and vintage photos. I love the way each piece has a unique feel and avoids a set pattern.

Average: 2.5 (4 votes)

Digital Artwork by Nastplas

I'm digging the digital art/painting of Nastplas. This duo from Spain creates some very cool digital paintings using intricate lines, swirls, and patterns mixed with some real life subject matter.

Average: 5 (2 votes)

Rainbow Photo Swirl by Peter Coffin

This is a really cool piece of artwork by Peter Coffin. It was created by stitching together multiple photos with rainbows in them to create a singular swirling rainbow. It's really cool looking at the individual photos and seeing how they fit into the tapestry of the larger design.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

I Wanna Be the Very Best Pokemon Designs by Alexander Quinn

Loving the reworked interface designs of the classic Pokémon games by Alexander Quinn. He got some old figurines, photographed them in familiar poses and added fresh interfaces to them.

Average: 5 (2 votes)


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