Be a Kid Again by Tarik Mikou

Have you ever had the urge to relive childhood and color a coloring book? Tarik Mikou has taken that idea and has given it the grown up treatment with this series "Be a Kid Again". Tarik takes black and white photos of iconic celebrities and colors them to his liking, giving us this fun and interesting series.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

Brushless Paintings by Amy Shackleton

Just when you thought you've seen every method for creating paintings, another Amy Shackleton comes along. Amy creates these psychodelic paintings without a paintbrush.The great lines and forms of her paintings are created by applying paint with squeeze bottles, and allowing gravity to do the work. Check out the video below for a cool demonstration.

Average: 5 (2 votes)

Perspective Sculptures by James Hopkins

When somebody tells you art looks different from another perspective, they probably weren't talking about these sculptures by James Hopkins. He takes perspective artwork to a whole new level with these perspective sculptures of famous cartoon characters. At one angle, you might be wondering what in the world are you looking at, but at the proper angle it all comes together. Great work!

Average: 2 (3 votes)

Digital Art by Karol Kolodzinski

Karol Kolodzinski is an extremely talented digital artist, illustrater and art director based out of Warsaw, Poland. She's worked on some very impressive clients such as Avatar the Game, Nike, Bacardi and more. Her work is also wide ranging from ads, to websites, to illustrations and motion capture movies. Check out more of her impressive work on Behance.

Average: 3.3 (3 votes)

DJ Chain Reaction promotion artwork

Promotion artwork I made for Hardstyle DJ Chain Reaction.

Average: 1 (1 vote)

Anamorphic Drawings by István Orosz

István Orosz is a Hungarian artist  who specializes in complex images. The ones you see here are called anamorphoses which require the viewer to use specialized devices at certain angles to see an image. It is hard to make a simple anamorphic image, but he makes creating complex anamorphoses seem effortless.

Average: 5 (2 votes)

Knitted Food by Ed Bing Lee

First we saw miniature food sculptures, then we saw landscapes made out of food, and now, we bring to you knitted food. Ed Bing Lee has clearly mastered the art of knitting amazing food items. Everything from a hamburger, to a pumpkin pie, to an ice cream sundae. Don't forget to check out some more of his great work on Fubiz.

Average: 4.5 (2 votes)

Ridiculously Small Origami by Anja Markiewicz

Raise your hand if you ever found folding origami to be incredibly difficult. Now lower your hand, and drop your jaw because these paper origami by Anja Markiewicz will blow your mind. Each piece uses paper smaller than an inch and width. If you thought you were getting good at origami, think again.

Average: 3.3 (3 votes)

Motivational Quotes by Julian Bialowas

Who needs those boring motivational posters when you have these inspiring and uplifting designs by Julian Bialowas. This series combines some great advice with beautiful landscapes that Julian shot himself. The minimalist typography helps to accentuate the message and it brings powerful images together. Check out more on his Flickr page.

Average: 5 (2 votes)

Angerfist DJ Mag Top 100

Artwork I made for Hardcore DJ Angerfist as promotion for the DJ Mag Top 100, an annual event hosted by

Average: 2 (2 votes)


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