
Alessandra Ambrosio & Ana Beatriz Barros in No Crime to be Rich

Brazilian beauties Alessandra Ambrosio and Ana Beatriz Barros star in this wonderful retro inspired series for Vogue Nippon's October 2010 issue. Loving the colors and varied styles in each photo, and of course, it wouldn't be a great fashion spread with some ridiculous poses.

Fashion Designers: 
Average: 4 (1 vote)

Playboy TRON: Legacy - Game On

Playboy caters to the movie geeks with this tribute to TRONSasckya Porto and Irina Voronina are strategically fitted with tabs and body paint. Photographer Jared Ryder and illustrator Nigel Evan Dennis have definitely captured TRON at its finest.

Fashion Designers: 
Average: 4 (1 vote)

Ana Beatriz Barros by Walter Chin

The irresistible Ana Beatriz Barros shot this spread for Sports Illustrated back in 2004. The photo above is just...wow. The others aren't too bad either. Shot by Walter Chin.

Fashion Designers: 
Average: 4.7 (3 votes)

Sara von Schrenk by Markus Ziegler

Markus Ziegler does an incredible job of capturing Swedish model Sara von Schrenk for the July 2011 issue of Elle Mexico. The photos are full of color and he gets some great close-ups of Sara. My only complaint would be the slight blurs in the photos, but still a great overall series.

Fashion Designers: 
Average: 4.5 (2 votes)

Emma Watson by Ellen von Unwerth

In honor of the last Harry Potter film, I bring you Emma Watson shot by Ellen von Unwerth. The whole world has watched her grow up, and now is the last time you will see her reprise her role as Hermione Granger. Now you can look forward to seeing her in a new light. This series was shot for the S/S 2009 issue of Vs Magazine.

Fashion Designers: 
Average: 5 (3 votes)

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