UTOPIYA'11 by Maya Nightingale

A very interesting series by Maya Nightingale filled with great geometric shapes. 

Average: 4 (1 vote)

Italian Wedding by David Burton

This is an absolutely stunning wedding series shot by David Burton. If these photos are staged by models, they were done perfectly. Burton does a great job capturing the moods and feelings of a wedding. Shot for Elle Bride Italia 2010.

Average: 5 (2 votes)

Malibu Dreaming by Jamie Beck and Kevin Burg

Jaime Beck aand Kevin Burg, of cinemagraph fame, teamed up with Kelly Framel, aka Glamourai, and designer Kelly Wearstler to create this amazing series.

Here's what Kelly had to say about the shoot:

"For five days in Malibu, I lived in a dream. I found myself in a dream house, in a dream world, working with the caliber of collaborators i’d always dreamed I’d meet. We had free reign of an aesthetic surreality, to play dress up and make as many pictures as we pleased. We basked in the sun, we binged on bluesy tunes, we supped on champagne and we revisited the videos that inundated our adolescences. We swung on the swings and spun our feet in the sea. We got so unbelievably inspired, in love with the moment. Here begins the series of work that ensued:"

For more amazing cinemagraphs from this shoot, check them out on Jamie and Kevin's site. Otherwise, enjoy the stills below.

Fashion Designers: 
Average: 5 (1 vote)

Gulliver Inspired Stern Fashion Special by Karel Kuehne

Karel Kuehne shot this beautiful Gulliver inspired series for Stern Magazine. The glamorous Olga C. poses with giant hand bags from Chanel, Prada, Gucci and Armani in this inspired fantasy world. 

Fashion Designers: 
Average: 4 (1 vote)

Look At Me, I'm Sandra Dee (Mona Johannesson) by Peter Gehrke

Beautiful Swedish model Mona Johannesson poses for Peter Gehrke in this series for Elle Sweden March 2012. Digging the variety of outfits and hair styles in this series.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

He Wears It Star Wars Fashion by John Woo

In this awesome series, John Woo dresses up Star Wars characters in high end fashion. If you really like these, you can get them as prints on Etsy.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

Wedding Hairstlyes

A great wedding hairstyle compilation by Sara Roeder of Aisle Candy. If you are looking for something that's more wild check out The Avant Garde Hair Stylings of Arnostyle

Average: 4 (1 vote)

Kate Upton for Esquire

Thank you Esquire for bringing us these photos of Kate Upton. Photos by Yu Tsai.

Average: 5 (1 vote)

Ulyana Sergeenko Lookbook Fall Winter 2011

By the looks of it, you would never know this was Ulyana Sergeenko's first fashion line. There is a nice vintage feel to her designs which were inspired by 1950s illustrations in Soviet Vogue. Check out etoday to see more from this wonderful collection.

Fashion Designers: 
Average: 4 (1 vote)

The Fashion Stylings of Thilda Mörlid Berglind

I'm pretty sure Thilda Mörlid Berglind breathes style. Just take a look at this small sampling of outfits from Check out her blog at or follow her page on Facebook for updates. 

Average: 5 (1 vote)


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