
Omega 2010 Calendar by Aleksey Marina

This is an amazing set of photos by Aleksey Marina for the Omega-Print publishing house promo-calendar 2010. Each image brings you to a strange, beautiful, and elegant place.

Average: 4.5 (2 votes)

Self Portrait Photography by Lauren Peralta

Lauren Peralta has a wonderful set of self portraits throughout her Flickr account. She just has a way of beautifully capturing herself on camera. I highly recommend viewing her most viewed and most interesting photographs or just wandering through her photo stream. Below are just some of the photos she tagged as self portraits.

Average: 4 (3 votes)

West Nineteenth Street (Yellow Dress) by Joseph O. Holmes

On a pevious post you'll remember Joseph Holmes capturing these taxis lined up along West Forty-third Street in New York. This time, Holmes found a lone woman in a yellow dress walking along West Nineteenth Street. The following quote is him describing his fortune in capturing this photo,"One day the woman in the yellow dress steps into my frame to humble me and remind me that all I can do is accept the gift when it's offered."

You can also find this photo in print form at 20x200.

Average: 5 (1 vote)

High Speed by Naiara Dambroso

This photo by Naiara Dambroso or autom4tica on Flickr is an example of perfectly capturing someone in the moment. It's one of those photos that seems to capture the essence of a person.

Average: 4 (3 votes)

Before the Storm by Zhang Jingna

I highly recommend the photo work of Zhang Jingna. She perfectly captures her models in elegant and expressive photos.

Average: 5 (1 vote)

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