
Double Exposure by Dan Mountford

Loving the double exposure photography work by Dan Mountford. The way the two exposures are combined make for some really interesting shots. The compositions are creative and interesting, If you get a chance, head over to his Flickr set and read the descriptions for these shots.

Double Exposure by Dan Mountford

Double Exposure by Dan Mountford

Double Exposure by Dan Mountford

Double Exposure by Dan Mountford

Double Exposure by Dan Mountford

Double Exposure by Dan Mountford

Double Exposure by Dan Mountford

Double Exposure by Dan Mountford

Average: 5 (4 votes)

Nude, 1936 by Edward Weston

A beautiful photo by Edward Weston as part of his Nude series.

Interestingly enough, while uploading this photo to Facebook, this description was automatically inserted:

"The documentary, called Eloquent Nude, which chronicles the relationship of Edward Weston and Charis Wilson is done. Charis is now 92, and she was a big part of Edward's most productive years. She is perhaps one of the most famous nudes in modern photography. Her recollections, caught on film by McCluskey -- and recreated by McCluskey -- form the heart of the film. It will premiere on March 8th at Portland Art Museum." 

Average: 5 (3 votes)

Dancers in Motion by Jan Masny

Here are some lovely photos of ballet dancers in motion by Jan Masny. He captures the elegance of grace of a women dancing. Each move is beautifully caught in his lens to create some very interesting photos.

Dancers in Motion by Jan Masny

Dancers in Motion by Jan Masny

Dancers in Motion by Jan Masny

Dancers in Motion by Jan Masny

Dancers in Motion by Jan Masny

Dancers in Motion by Jan Masny


Average: 5 (3 votes)

Behind the Surface by Nadia Moro

This series of underwater photography by Nadia Moro is highlighted by extravagantly flowing dresses and graceful poses by the women in the photos. If you take a glance at the other photos series' in her portfolio, you can see she has a knack for capturing beauty in people.

Behind the Surface by Nadia Moro

Behind the Surface by Nadia Moro

Average: 4 (1 vote)

Warwick Saint Tattoo Photo

Here's a lovely shot of a woman's tattoos by Warwick Saint.

Average: 3 (1 vote)

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