Singapore based photographer Soon Tong has a wide variety of interesting projects. He has shot advertising, fashion, and various artistic projects which display his versatility and love for experimentation. If you get a chance, check out his other projects too.
Loving the bold colors and movie still feel of these photos by Alex Prager. Each photo feels like there is a story behind it, and you just want to know what happens next. It's a rare talent to evoke such a strong feeling from viewers, but Alex definitely has a knack for it.
Love this underwater synchronized swim shot by Jill Greenberg!
Simple concept. Great Execution. That is exactly how I would describe Marc Laroche's Hair series on Flickr. To create this great series, all he had to do was photograph women flipping their hair around, and set it against a dark background. Although the concept may be simple, the execution was excellent and the results are awesome!
If you've ever seen a photo of the Hindenburg Disaster, it was most likely this one by AP photographer Murray Becker. He shot a series of 15 pictures of the May 6, 1937 disaster, from the initial flare-up to to rescue of the survivors.
A wonderful set of vintage postcards of Paris.There's something different about vintage postcards that make them feel more authentic than modern day postcards.
we control all and
we are all controlled
this is life
lived everyday
We only realize the true value of the things in the moment of losing them, though they were always there.
In Tomohide Ikeya's spectacular BREATH series, he puts on display something we take for granted every day of our lives: breathing. By putting people under water, he creates the bubbles on display in many of these photos, which can be seen as a representation of our need to breath.
David Bellemère's photos use unconventional set ups and backgrounds to portray a woman's beauty. The first few photos appear to use a slight reflection mixed with the women as a focus to create some interesting photos. The rest make use of unconventional locales to create interestingness.