The text that accompanied this image on Jeremy Fall's Tumblr:
I close my eyes and breathe as the world starts crumbling behind me. Every step I take brings me closer to the end, every thought I make kills my fix of ammunition and every time I think of looking back, it tears the gauze apart. What do I do if the world’s destruction becomes my own? Where do I go if the tripwire does detonate? I look straight, straight into my self-created Eden. A garden far away where I can only pray that the distance is temporary. I stop to think. It’s my turn. Is this all just a game or am I truly walking barefoot on a pile glass holding a ticking bomb that’s ready to ignite?
This photo set by Primo Tacca Neto entitled Beauty is exactly that. Each photo features a woman dressed in a way that makes them look more like dolls than people. The women have extravagant makeup, hair or costumes. It feels like you are at a fashion show and a masquerade ball.
From Bill Jemison, "This was a "hidden gem" taken at the same time as my ribbon winner from the "Celebration" challenge. It was only after quite a bit of effort that the underlying beauty of the image appeared. This was a misty morning during the 2005 Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta and I took the shot from a hill in Rio Rancho, NM where I live as the balloons drifted northward along the Rio Grande River in the bosque (river forest). "
Loving the double exposure photography work by Dan Mountford. The way the two exposures are combined make for some really interesting shots. The compositions are creative and interesting, If you get a chance, head over to his Flickr set and read the descriptions for these shots.
A lot of the light art you see consists of creating fun shapes or patterns. Julien Breton's light art, however, consists of very intricately drawn calligraphy. Julien draws the fantastic calligraphy pieces, and they are captured with the help of G.J. Plisson, who takes the photos.
A beautiful photo by Edward Weston as part of his Nude series.
Interestingly enough, while uploading this photo to Facebook, this description was automatically inserted:
"The documentary, called Eloquent Nude, which chronicles the relationship of Edward Weston and Charis Wilson is done. Charis is now 92, and she was a big part of Edward's most productive years. She is perhaps one of the most famous nudes in modern photography. Her recollections, caught on film by McCluskey -- and recreated by McCluskey -- form the heart of the film. It will premiere on March 8th at Portland Art Museum."
These are some great photos taken by Abelardo Morell using the camera obscura technique. Here's a good description taken from PDN's Photo of the Day:
"Abelardo Morell’s camera obscura technique has taken him from photographing his own living room to interiors across the globe. “One of the satisfactions I get from making this imagery comes from my seeing the weird and yet natural marriage of the inside and outside”, he says. In setting up a room to make this kind of photograph he covers all windows with plastic in order to achieve total darkness. Then he cuts one small hole in the materials that he uses to cover the windows. An inverted image of the view outside then floods onto the walls in the room. He focuses the large-format camera on the incoming image on the wall and exposes the film.
Morell recently designed a light proof tent that, via periscope type optics, makes it possible to project a view of the nearby landscape onto whatever ground is under the tent. Inside this darkened space he uses a view camera to record the effect. He says, “I think it is a rather wonderful sandwich of two outdoor realities coming together. This Tent-Camera now liberates me to use camera obscura techniques in a world of new places. I now have a portable room, so to speak.”"
I especially like the ones where the image is projected onto textured surfaces. They just give the images a unique and interesting look.
These are some breathtaking black and white underwater photos by Hengki Koentjoro. These photos give you just a small but incredibly interesting look at what life is like in the deep blue. It just goes to show what a large, interesting and amazing place the Earth can be.
You can also check out more photos on Flickr.