This series of underwater photography by Nadia Moro is highlighted by extravagantly flowing dresses and graceful poses by the women in the photos. If you take a glance at the other photos series' in her portfolio, you can see she has a knack for capturing beauty in people.
Here are some great city photos by Andrey Pomyantovskiy. These shots beautifully capture the cities and have a very serene and quiet quality to them. Click on the city names to see a larger version of the images.
To truly appreciate these photos, you must go visit The Big Picture and see the higher resolution photos with captions. Here are just some of the entries for National Geographic's 2010 Photo Contest or you can check out the winners from previous years.
This text accompanies Cole Thompson's Harbinger project.:
ˈhär-bən-jər noun
This a very interesting set of cut and folded photos by Abigail Reynolds. I'm not really sure about the thought process behind these photos, but I am sure that they are really awesome.
Here are some pretty nice landscape photos by Garry Schlatter. They are all considered his "Most Interesting" photos on Flickr. Many of them have a serene and contemplative feel to them. He definitely has a way of capturing the perfect light for his shots.
My favorite, is the moon shot which beautifully captures the moon and clouds even if it is slightly altered. It just has a wonderful feel to it, and I love the way the lights in the bottom right corner balance out the strong presence of the moon.
This tilt shift photography film by Sam O'Hare is incredible. He takes one of the largest and busiest cities in the world, New York, and makes it feel small and quaint. The music is mixed well with the visuals, and he perfectly captures different areas of the city. Check out the video at the bottom of the page.
The Sandpit from Sam O'Hare on Vimeo.