Droste Effect Photos

I've seen a bunch of examples of this artistic effect, but never knew what it was called. After some quick searching, I learned it is called the droste effect. The effect involves a "picture appearing within itself, in a place where a similar picture would realistically expected to appear". In theory it can go on forever, but in reality, it is limited by what can fit inside the image.

The effect is named after the image on the packaging of Droste brand cocoa powder. In it, a nurse is carrying a tray with a box of of the same image. It was introduced in 1904. You can see the original box here.

You can even download a Photoshop plugin that creates the effect for you.

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Majestic Landscapes by Cristobal Garciaferro Rubio

Cristobal Garciaferro Rubio is an architect by trade, but he is also an fantastic photographer. Here are just a few of his majestic landscape photos. I am especially fond of the shots of the smoking volcanoes!

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Captivating Sunsets by Juan Todrigo Legua

Juan Todrigo Legua's sunset photos are so breathtaking, they seem almost unreal. The bright shades of orange, yellow and red, along with the beautiful reflections, really bring his photos to life. Looking at these makes me want to retire and just take photos of the sunrise/sunset.

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Sexy Storytelling by Liu Jianan

Liu Jianan's photos tell masterful stories of beautiful women engaged in battle, exorcising demons and creating living human statues among others. Each one pulls you further into the story, and makes you wonder what the whole story really is. If anyone has further information on these fantastic shots, please share them in the comments!

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People in Motion by Manuel Cafini

Manuel Cafini has capturesd some captivating portraits of people in motion. Cafini's subjects are dressed in bright colors and staged in front of a dark background creating strong and rich contrast. This, coupled with the movement of his subjects, creates interesting shapes and beautiful lines in his photos.

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Felix Baumgartner Will Attempt Sky Dive Record for Red Bull Stratos

Austrian skydiver Felix Baumgartner, with the help of Red Bull Stratos,  will soon try and break the world record for highest sky dive. He will attempt a 23 mile free fall from a pressurized capsule while wearing only a spacuit. In doing so, he will become the first person to break the sound barrier in free fall and will risk having the water in his body vaporize! No one knows what will happen, but people are sure to find out.

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Reethi Rah Resort in Maldives

I'm pretty sure this is what people think of when they hear the words island pardise. The Reethi Rah Resort is on one of the largest islands in North Male’ Atoll in the Maldives. The resort has 130 villas each with an ocean view and direct access to the lagoon. I think I've found a new dream vacation destination.

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Ziegfeld Follies Girls by Alfred Cheney Johnston

Ziegfeld Girls were the showgirls from Florenz Ziegfeld's theater shows known as the Ziegfeld Follies, which were based on the Folies Bergère of Paris.

This set features the portraits of Alfred Cheney Johnston, who is known for taking portraits of the Ziegfield girls as well as other actors/actresses of the 1920s/1930s. If you are interested in the stories of these girls or want to see more portraits of Ziegfield girls, you should get Jazz Age Beauties: The Lost Collection of Ziegfeld Photographer Alfred Cheney Johnston from Amazon.

You should also check out First Decade of Decadence by Esteban Palazuelos and Vanity Fair 1953 Photography by Mark Shaw. You can definitely see the inspiration they drew from Johnston's photos.

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Pop Icon: Madonna

You know you are an icon when people everywhere know you by your first name. That is most definitely the case with Madonna. I wasn't old enough to appreciate Madonna when she was in her prime as the Queen of Pop, but most definitely am now. Here are some beautiful photos to celebrate.

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She by Yoanna Teneva

Average: 5 (1 vote)


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